BASIC Modules
Building Automation System Integrator Components
A corporation may want to allow tenant to have access to the premise after regular office hours and in return should give the tenant the ability to turn ON/OFF lights, HVAC, etc. In order to achieve that, some infrastructure should be in place.
First would be to have the possibility for the tenant to place a phone call which will then turn the utility system ON/OFF for example.
With this example in mind, the BASIC Solution could help your organisation in achieving the missing link in your actual infrastructure. The BASIC Solution includes some of the following modules.
 Core components for managing the solution. Buildings, Floors, Zones, etc. are define in an intuitive way giving the end-user operator an exciting experience.
 Now we are talking about ROI. Well, monitoring the energy consumption will give you the chance to create custom billing for tenant based on fees, schedule, etc.
 When it comes to monitoring, you want to see the quick transmission with no delay. This is exactly what happen with this avant-garde conceptual integrator. BASIC Monitoring let you communicate from various source to your building automation system back-end for which module has been installed.
 This module enable connectivity between tenants phone calls and the underlayer Building Automation System. BASIC VoIP could be either fully SIP compatible or hybrid using regular land line with digital gateway box convertor.
 This module enable connectivity between tenants web command and the underlayer Building Automation System.
 This module enables connectivity between the Real-Time Energy Price from the closest Stock Market and your BASIC Solution. By setting threshold alarm points, you may control the environmental energy within your complex. When an alarm is triggers, it could turn off lights and HVAC in certain area of your premises.